GACP In Maps

GACP In Maps

Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) for medicinal plants Grasella is a recurring dream envisioned on Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) for medicinal plants for sustainable production of herbal products classified as medicines.This includes protection of medicinal plants, aiming promotion of sustainable use and cultivation of medicinal plants. These guidelines developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2003 were designed to ensure the safety, efficiency and quality of raw material used in herbal medicine. We believe, the adoption of GACP in MAPs will generate employment to educated youths in rural area and add premium price to the produce. Certification of MAPs is still new and emerging concept in Nepal. Despite the richness in MAPs, the tradition requires improvement to align with the well-defined environmental and social parameters and international norms. Even though the gap between existing practices and the use of GACP seems wide, a phased adoption will narrow the gap. We encourage pharmaceutical companies and exporters to use certified materials which enhance reputation for good resources management.